1. It is completely FREE. No, really, it is completely free. It costs nothing to sign up and you never pay a thing.
2. It is NOT a diet site. It does not encourage you to pick a "diet," but one is available if you need it. Mostly it is a support site with great tools to help you.
3. You can track your weight, food and fitness levels, as well as energy, measurements, goals or anything else.
4. There is a huge community of people, both local and groups with common interests where you can participate for advice, support or ideas. There are message boards, blog opportunities and a place where you can create your own page.
5. Sparkpeople has workout plans, exercise demonstrations, reports of your activities and suggestions for improving your calorie to exercise balance.
6. There are great articles on health, fitness, recipes, nutrition, motivation and lots more.
7. You can motivate yourself with streaks, challenges, group activities, spark mail and emails (only if you want them) and stages of weight loss/improved fitness/increased wellness and health.
8. There is a mobile application to track food, fitness, weight, water consumed and give you reports about the same (oh yeah, it's free too)
9. The site was started by a guy who approaches weight loss, increased fitness, wellness and lifestyle with a practical and easy methodology (balance calories consumed with the amount of exercise done)
10. Did I mention it's FREE??
Free Online Diet Plan at SparkPeople.com
I can't say enough about this website. If you are interested in a place where you can get practical advice, support, a place to track your progress and a never ending supply of information, Sparkpeople is like no other place on the web. By the way, I was not compensated (or even asked) to recommend Sparkpeople. I just believe in it.
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